How to sew bias binding corners?Tuto

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  • Bias binding (S6048)
  • Thread (M910)
  • Fabric
  • Zipper presser foot (M56) (optional)

Step 1

Place the unfolded bias binding along the fabric, top side on top side. Sew a straight line on the first fold (1/4 of the width of the bias binding). End the seam after a length that corresponds to 1/4 of the width of the bias binding. 

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Step 2

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To place the bias binding along the corner of the fabric, fold it towards the outside and then to the side. Marking the beginning of the seam will make the next step easier. 

Step 3

Continue sewing from the mark. Sew around the entire piece of fabric, always on the first fold. 

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Step 4

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Turn the fabric around and fold the bias binding so that it covers the first seam. Make sure that the bias is folded nicely in the corner. Sew in a straight line along the side of the bias binding. A zipper presser foot will help with this task. 

Step 5

Stop sewing just before the corner in order to fold the bias binding correctly. Then keep sewing until the corner, lift the presser foot, turn the fabric around and continue sewing. 

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Step 6

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Turn the fabric around and fold the bias binding so that it covers the first seam. Make sure that the bias is folded nicely in the corner. Sew in a straight line along the side of the bias binding. A zipper presser foot will help with this task. 

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